Women in Architecture Taiwan



  1. Honor Member—
    With the recommendation of 3 Formal Members and 2 Directors of the Board, Honor Membership is for those whose excellence as an individual or in a corporate manifest WAT's value.

  2. Formal Member—
    Women who are over 20 years old, and
    (a) holds a degree in allied fields of architecture, and has a minimum of 3 years of experience in related field of architecture, OR
    (b) does not have a related degree, but has a minimum of 5 years of experience in related field of architecture,
    AND With the recommendation of 1 Formal Member and 1 Director of the Board, along with the consensus of Board Directors, one may acquire Formal Membership.

    Only Formal Members have the right to vote, elect, be voted, and recall. Each Formal Member stands for one vote. Honor Member, Student Member, and Sponsor Member do NOT hold the rights above.
    ALL members can participate in all the activities of WAT.

  3. Student Member—
    (a.) For students who are over 20 years old. With the recommendation of 1 formal member and 1 Director of the board, the consensus of Board Directors, and after paying admission fee (NT $1,000), one may acquire Student Membership. The membership needs to be renewed after 2 years. Yet, you may ask for prolonging of membership if you are still a student when 2 years are due.
    (b.) During preparation period, with the recommendation of founding members of WAT, if one holds a degree in allied fields of architecture yet without a minimum of 3 years of working experience, one may apply for Student Membership. The Membership will effect after the preparation committee is established. The qualification and benefit are same as Student Members.

  4. Sponsor Member—
    Any person or (representative of a) group who would like to sponsor WAT, with the recommendation of 1 Formal Member and 1 Director of the board, along with the consensus of Board Directors, can acquire Sponsor Membership for 2 years.

Membership Fee

  1. Honor Members: No admission fee. But to own the same right as a Formal Member (if you are, originally, a Formal Member), you need to pay the annual membership fee as Formal Members do.

  2. Formal Members: Admission fee: NT $3,000 (one-time only when joining).
    Annual membership fee: NT $2,000 per year.

  3. Student Members: Admission fee: NT $1,000 (one-time only when joining).
    Annual membership fee: NT $500 per year.

  4. Sponsor Members: No admission fee. The membership needs to be renewed every 2 year.
    For each year, you need to sponsor a minimum of NT $30,000.
