Women in Architecture Taiwan



  • Architectural Relativity

    Introduction: "Architectural Relativity" Series in Taiwan Architect Magazine

    The term "Architectural Relativity" first appeared as the title of Architect Chia-Ju Lin's article. The article by Lin was included in the Taiwan Architect Magazine, issue no.256 (2018. Jan.), under the special issue "Architectural Criticism." Li-Yu Hsu, Chair of Board of WAT, planned the special issue.

    Author : Li-Yu Hsu (許麗玉)

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Wei-Hsiang Tseng ᅵ Alternative interpretations of Spolia – The innovation and sustainability in tectonic thinking


    Author : Wei-Hsiang Tseng

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Chung-Wei Lee ᅵ To Compose with Otherness

    本文從構思到完成的這段期間,經歷了2020年初新冠肺炎 (Covid-19) 在紐約初現、達到單日確診上萬人與死亡近千人的高峰,並在最後緩緩地降到下半年的平穩期。至今紐約的辦公大樓大多仍然空閒著,許多公寓已人去樓空,百貨商場一個個宣布破產。這一場疫情帶來了全球性的災難,但同時是否也帶來了反思的可能?作者訪談Anna Heringer(德國)、Diana Agrest(美國)、李秀秀(台灣)三位建築工作者。重新思索自然與建築。

    Author : Chung-Wei Lee (Co-founder of CLAS)

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Tai-Wen Ho︱ A Place Given Birth by Living in It - Genius Loci

    Ideas are the fragments of thinking, they more or less contain the traces of concepts. Intention comes from the relations between meanings caught in the reality, they exist in human minds without direct or subjective connection to the reality.
    Walter Benjamin
    / By Ho Tai-Wen

    Author : Tai-Wen Ho

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Szu-An Yu︱Narrative, as Behaviour and as Knowledge

    What character in architecture does the narrative play when it has been widely talked about and used? If architecture could be narrative, who is the speaker and who is the audience? Are we attracted exactly by architecture itself or trickily by something it borrows? Does architecture bring us closer to what we see, or, contrarily, away from reality?
    Not only is narrative an inviting situational added value, but, perhaps, we should regard it as a tool for organizing or thinking. As language is the basis of knowledge, so does narrative organize every detail in our daily live.
    "We make narratives many times a day, every day of our lives. And we start doing so almost from the moment we begin putting words together (Abbott 2008)."
    We interviewed LANZA Atelier, FALA Atelier and BIAS Architects & Associates in this issue, and trough the conversation with them, observed in which way narrative exists in their works and in their introspection of architecture respectively.

    Author : Szu-An Yu (俞思安)

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Li-Yu Hsu︱Colors in Architecture

    This article tends to reopen the contradiction within modern architects and colors: "how colors exist in architecture?".  In the last century, "Colors", even the white wall for covering the flaw,  were buried under the fear of "Ornament is crime" to modern architects. Let's rethink the Colors in Modern Architecture had been redefined by Le Corbusier that Color has a biological and sentimental function that is indispensable to human nature.The natural uses of color works with proportions, or rather (if you will), as he would work with the geometric relations between surfaces or volumes. It should be the only way for Colors in Modern Architecture. Is it still so? In this article, the author has interviewed several architects in Taiwan to catch their ideas of "colors in architecture".  

    Author : Li-Yu Hsu (許麗玉)

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Chia-Ju Lin︱Not Teaching, Nor Schooling, But Education


    Author : Chia-Ju Lin (林家如)

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Si-Min Lee︱Landscape—Ecology, Living, and Affection

    本次「建築相對論」有幸訪問三位不同世代的「景觀建築師」:Kathryn Gustafson(Gustafson Porter + Bowman)、郭中端(中冶環境造形顧問)、與宋鎮邁(Ecoscope一口規劃設計顧問)。除了聆聽他們分享各自的理念、創作故事、與對專業領域的觀察,也邀請他們談論何謂當代最重要的地景議題。三位專業者對於文化、生態環境、與當代生活的關懷,既相同又不同。我們能否從中窺見當代地景議題的完整面貌?也嘗試闡述自身的「地景觀」呢?

    Author : Si-Min Lee (李思敏)

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