Women in Architecture Taiwan



  • Architectural Relativity

    Ko-Ping Shih︱Dwelling and Living -Architects and Their Ideas about Housing

    那些建築師所想像眾多單元裡的這些「居民」,這些人們的生活是什麼樣子?這樣的住宅是什麼樣態?該如何去提供人們更好的居住生活品質?如何讓人們在其中觸發更多的生活經驗?本文延續今年台灣十月在松山菸廠的社會住宅展,帶領我們先回到最初,那些居住空間裡的人們;從過去人們在住宅的生活發展樣態,到那從個人轉變成為集體的住宅空間間的生活變化;再由三位建築師的故事與訪談: Mecanoo的 Francine Houben建築師、九典聯合建築師事務所的 張清華建築師,與原典創思顧問有限公司的 施汎昀建築師,藉著她們自身居住與生活的經驗,聽聽她們述說她們心中的住宅與生活的想像,看看她們怎麼把「人們」放進她們的住宅中,激起更多以「人」為中心的住宅樣態的想像。

    Author : Ko-Ping Shih (史可蘋)

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Wendy Teo︱Community Remake—The Multiple Roles of Architects

    The term “Architect” emerged during the Renaissance, a role best describing Michelangelo’s service to Piazza del Campidoglio. Commissioned by the Pope Paul III, this project shifted the paradigm—A public place for people instead of for gods.

    Author : Wendy Teo (張文婷)

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Chien-Suo Pai | Take Risks and Push Boundaries! On Design Research: Interview with Jenny Sabin, Anna Liu, & Lyu Chih Lee

    This article is published in Taiwan Architect Magazine, issue no.524 (2018 August). It was the second part of this issue's "Architectural Relativity" column. The first part, "Real Virtuality - Paradigm Shift Base on Material Behavior" attempts to discuss the aspects of modern architectural design from the perspective of Computational Thinking and the Materiality of Material. The second part follows the concept of "Real Virtuality" in the first part. Through an interview with three female architects: Jenny Sabin, Anna Liu and Lyu Chih Lee, and by comparing the accumulated experimental works of the Jenny Sabin Studio, Tokin Liu and D. Z, Architects & Associates, this article discusses the design research which based on people, material, and environment; and additionally, the feasibility of making such design method a new pragmatic norm.

    Author : Chien-Suo Pai (白千勺)

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Chien-Suo Pai | Real Virtuality - Paradigm Shift Base on Material Behavior

    The prologue is a citation from " the First Digital Turn" of Mario Carpo. While the form of architecture was liberated, the development of construction technology progressed also. However, visual simulation still dominates the design mode. Furthermore, the great variety of technology complicates the specification of professional works.This results in rising issues such as the accelerating breaking between creation and production, and the doubts cast on the humanity aspect and reality of architectural design. "Technology is the answer, but what was the question?" The classic question proposed by Cedric Price implies that "innovation" does not come from groundless imagination, or a blind pursuit where problem awareness was lacking.

    Author : Chien-Suo Pai (白千勺)

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  • Architectural Relativity

    Li-Yu Hsu | Memorability, Lasting Skills, and Transformability in Architecture

    Through reviewing her feedback on Deborah Berke Partners’s transforming work on "122CC" and "Women's Building" in New York, USA, along with the works of architect Hsiu-Lian Wang (王秀蓮) in Tainan City, Taiwan, Hsu examines historical architectures as a matter of public participation, memory transformation and symbol of "non-compliant" bodies.  

    Author : Li-Yu Hsu (許麗玉)

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